Trail camera photos 11/18 – 11/25

One and only one bobcat photo this week. The quiet setting back there was destroyed by the complete demolition of a house nearby. Lots of raccoon action, one skunk, a mouse, and birds also make appearances though I did not include them all in this week’s slideshow. Most interesting is a new hole that cannot…

Trail camera photos 11/4 – 11/11

Don’t the bobcats look lovely in the snow?! The raccoons we have seen tend to travel together, one after the other, while we have only seen one skunk at a time. This week for the first time one of our cameras has caught raccoons doing more than just traveling through. We can see interaction between…

Trail camera photos 10/28 – 11/4

Perhaps the continued landscaping activity nearby as well as increased cold and wind resulted in fewer wildlife photos this time around. Our most common species appear this week including various birds, a pair of raccoon, one skunk and solitary bobcat. Another note: Rabbit were a common site for a while. The last rabbit photo was…

Trail camera photos 10/21 – 10/28

Two weeks went by without any bobcat photos from either camera. There were skunk and raccoon photos but less other wildlife activity probably due to increased human presence (power repair, cable repair and heavy landscaping nearby). Bobcats returned! In the latest bobcat photos it’s hard to tell which are kittens and which are adults. Please…

Introducing Cave-Cam

Trail camera photos 10/1 – 10/7 Woohoo! A second trail camera was added to backyard wilderness. I’m calling it the Cave-Cam because it is pointed toward the entrance of what appears to be a small cave below the clearing where the first camera is situated. I will now call the first camera the Clearing-Cam. The…

A couple bobkitten photos

I don’t have any trail camera photos for last week due to human error: I neglected to turn the camera on! Yesterday two kittens were hanging out close to the house though, so I was able to snap some sweet photos of them with my regular camera (with a telephoto lens). Wild kittens seem to…

Trail camera photos 9/16 – 9/23

The camera captured more bobcat activity this week as well as skunk and a few bobcat-prey candidates. We see two bobkittens at times, lots of photos of a single kitten and fleeting views of an adult bobcat. I’m still very curious about whether we are seeing just one family. The lone bobkitten photographed lounging, bathing…

Trail camera photos 9/9 – 9/16

After a week of having the camera poorly oriented (oops!), for some reason we captured a much quieter span this week: lots of towhee activity, a raccoon, a skunk and a rabbit. Stay tuned though, today (9/18) I saw a bobcat down there taking a bath. That means barring camera failure, the next download should…