The novice gardener in winter

In the chill of winter the gardener finds his world at a cold standstill, memories of the prior seasons still fresh. Trying a new endeavor, his efforts had been inspired and ambitious. Soil had been prepared and resources secured, but perhaps too many seeds with varying demands had been planted and too many weeds allowed…

trail cam 12/18-2/19

The area these photos are taken is often referred to as a “wildlife corridor.” This term seems apt since so many different types of animals move through with no one staying too terribly long. This set of shots shows quite a coyote phase. Check out the photos of bobcat on the hunt at the end.…

A walk in the woods…

The following photos were taken walking west into the foothills of Boulder. I was attempting to bring my friend Carolyn along on my walk through texts. We got to see the moon disappear from sight three different times! (Photos taken 8/30/18 with an iPhone – presented in chronological order)            …

Look who else is on the scene…

I’m pretty sure this is a male bobcat. (Right Pablo? Anyone?) Maybe he sired this year’s bobkittens! Not just one… Three! Mama’s with them. Magnificent! And another baby: Plus, this mama + baby duo is still around: And, maybe is this one of last year’s kittens (?)