Trail camera photos 8/19 – 8/25

Another amazing week – again 8 kinds of animals were photographed (though not the same 8 as last week). During this week, an adult bobcat shows up but with just one kitten. The week prior there were three kittens. Were two kittens off on their own adventure? Did the mama “evict” them? Or maybe they…

Trail camera photos 8/12 – 8/18

Amazing viewing! A small clearing above the currently dry seasonal creek turned out to be a hot spot for the camera. Startlingly, 8 different varieties of animals appeared through the week, and the bobkittens were so active it’s downright exhausting to watch! Here’s a selection. Enjoy the view: [slideshow_deploy id=’658′]   Here’s a chronology of…

Early trail camera photos

Thank you Pablo for the inspiration and encouragement to put a trail camera into action! The photos below were taken with a motion-activated camera between the dates 5/8/17 – 5/27/17. When I first started setting this trail camera out, I got lots of shots of leaves and their shadows blowing in the wind. Gradually I learned about…

Earth our Mother

Earth Is Our Example There is a flame we each must tend. Fan the fire too heavily and its brightness will blind us. Neglect the flame, and it will smolder and smoke. Kindled gently and regularly, a path is illuminated. Earth demonstrates balance of light turning back from the brightness on the summer solstice and beginning…